
By Alberta


A dreadful photo technically ... but a strong lady. I went to see Maria who is now living on her own since Sona and her family moved to a nearby district. I will go and see them on Sunday on a neighbours motorbike I gather .. It all gets arranged for me! Maria had had an operation on one eye .. strangely the photo is blurred over her eye..  she speaks no English and speaks to me in very fast Malayalam .. Fortunately one of the neighbours sons came in .. funny how they know to just support each other in the way that they do. And he was translating for us. I do speak a little but only a little .. I learn a bit more every year and with sign language we get by very well.... So whenever I need an exemplar of strength in adversity .. I think of Maria .. Strangely my photo from one year ago is almost in the same spot but the son in law whose photo i took then has left the house and left her on her own. I think she is probably better off this way but not sure if she feels that.

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