
My son had to take his car for servicing in Christchurch, which gave us a good opportunity to visit the Art Gallery. It has recently reopened after being closed for five years because of earthquake damage. I enjoyed looking at the artworks on show, especially old favourites. But I was equally interested in looking out of the level 2 windows onto Worcester Street.

Work is still in progress paving around the gallery, but otherwise things seem to be working fine. At the top of the shot is the Gothic Revival Arts Centre, which used to be the university. That’s the old Registry building. I’m happy that the complex is being restored after considerable damage from the earthquakes.

More than fifty years ago this was my home neighbourhood. I lived up the street a bit, opposite the university. All the buildings were so familiar to me. However, apart from the Arts Centre, the only place I remember from that time is the old grey house with the red roof upper right. Everything else has changed.

I’m still not used to driving around in the city proper. Imagine your favourite city with more than half the buildings gone, including the landmarks, to be replaced by new buildings or wide open spaces. I had a longing to go home to Christchurch, but that’s another place.

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