An Escape into an Ice Castle

Dear Diary,

My cousins and I had planned this trip a couple of weeks ago and I decided that despite the horrific day I had on Wednesday, I was going.  I'm so glad I did.  Not only because the ice castle was jaw dropping but because my ride to Lincoln, New Hampshire took me along the Kancamagus Highway, one of the prettiest roads in New England.  It lifted my spirits.

We first met for a lovely lunch at the Gypsy Cafe in Lincoln and we had an amazing meal and shared so many laughs and old stories, as we always do.  The remedy for stress is laughter, I've always thought, and they surely gave me a good dose of it.

The ice castle was, well words fail and so do these photographs.  I've included a couple extras.  One shows Barbara taking a photo and it shows the scale of the place.  It was like a frozen cathedral.  The light was luminous and the sky at dusk gave us lovely greys and pinks that set of the blue ice perfectly.

There are three more ice castles, one in Utah, one in Minnesota and one in Canada.  You can see the website here.  I think celebrating winter in this way is wonderful thing.  Each castle has a different tint because of the water they use from that region.  The water in Lincoln is especially pure so the ice is very, very blue. 

It was a wonderful distraction from my ordeal on Wednesday.  I want to thank all my blip friends who were kind enough to offer hugs and support yesterday.  I will try to get back to commenting today but just know your words were a great sense of solace for me at this difficult time.

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