Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Great-Aunt Laurie

My nephew Erik and his wife, Sabra, are expecting their first child in August. We found out it was going to be a boy a few weeks ago, but just received a few of the photos they took to celebrate. They went into the desert near Albuquerque and squirted each other with blue paint!

Erik is my brother John's son. He raised him from the age of seven. He has followed his dad into the casino business. I told him, when I found out they were expecting, that he should ask his dad (the casino CEO) for a raise.

We're very happy for them and keep praying that everything will be fine. Sabra suffered a miscarriage the first time around. They are such good kids.

The name they picked out has the acronym DASH. Erik thinks it will be a great nickname for his athletic son. I guess he doesn't think he'll be playing the cello and singing like he  did as a kid!

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