Muddy Waters

I'm amazed we managed to blip yesterday what with all the chaos. We could do it because the phone signal came back in the afternoon and we used LooseCanon's phone as a hotspot. Ingenious!
The waters are receding and we are hoping to get to the airport today to go to Shanghai for a couple of days, before returning home. 
There's not much information but plenty of rumours. Yesterday was most entertaining  with the mixed international bunch of ( mainly )  European guests staying here. There is the Frenchman in the yellow shirt who suggested getting together to pool information  and to form an escape committee. He was sure the cavalry were going to come and bring a boat to get him to his flight at four o'clock in the afternoon. At 4.15 he reluctantly had to concede that he was not going to make it.
There's a jolly Dutch couple, she with a raucous laugh, who chain smoke and helped us 'liberate'some beer from the hotel's rescued stores.
There are the Germans who speak perfect English who set off by bicycle to see if the alternative road bridge was intact, and returned with the depressing news that they hadn't even got that far because there was a chest high flood to get through before you could even get to the bridge.
There's a French family in the next door room who always seem to have huge amounts of food, whereas everyone else has had two bowls of noodles in the last forty eight hours. 
Then there's me coughing and sputtering and wheezing getting through half a tree's worth of tissues in a day. LooseCanon long ago gave away / sold / took to the tip, the tools of his former trade, so no longer has a stethoscope to hand, but he pressed his ear to my chest, which was fun, and decided on balance that I probably haven't got bird flu, legionnaires disease , pneumonia or any other nasty tropical affliction. I'm wondering if there will be leeches. 
We have been promised more noodles for breakfast soon. Oh joy!
Oh, and it's chucking down with rain again as I speak.
The photo shows the locals weighing up the possibilities of the road bridge being usable again any time soon.
The extra is near the alternative bridge which was also overtopped yesterday, showing some rather flimsily built houses which have been destroyed.

Update!! The French escaped at 8 am and we made a rapid Brexit at 9.30. We are free and are now at Guilin airport waiting to go to Shanghai. Hooray!

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