By wellsforzoe

St John of God street children project

9th June 2016:

We have been privileged to have lived in the St John of God community for the past 11 years. The connection has opened doors, introduced us to the real Malawi while educating and protecting us throughout.
They are the wind beneath our wings and our calm in the many storms we have faced.
Today was a chance to introduce our guests to a little part of what they do.
Its part of the Umoza project for street children where they are introduced to and taught about Malawi cultural dance and music.
These kids are famous through the country and a credit to all their teachers and the organisation.
Next week our guests will get a chance to look at the other aspects from pre schooling of special needs and physically challenges little ones to Degree level courses for Nurses, Counsellors and Clinicians in their College of Natural Sciences.
Their core work is on Mental health, but there is so much to see.
The final pic is of Mary introducing the girls to Fortunate, a little boy we support who has physical and other challenges. He lives with his mum and three other older boys. With the help of Scottish group 500 miles we are now hopeful that he might walk. He also benefits from the SJOG Services.

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