Bye Bye Moira!

I work in the Corporate Services of a FTSE 100 Company and this year is my 18th year of service. I have only known Moira, here in this picture with me, for 2 years, but she is a one off character, and will be sorely missed by many people downstairs as she is now going upstairs to the Control Room (heaven help them!!!).

She has an infectious laugh, wicked sense of humour and if she doesn't like someone (with good reason, there are many plonkers strutting around Corporate) they just don't get what they want. A great source of chat, I will really miss her company on a day to day basis. So a few tears were shed when saying bye to her this afternoon. . . .

Had a few early evening drinks to see her off, and then home to a delicious risotto cooked by my husband. A few drinks later, and we then sat and watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony (up until the teams started marching in) and after sitting through many a boring show, must say this one has been fantastic.

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