Trading places.

We had a phone call this morning from a friend of ours, and he was having a few problems with his computer, and he wanted J to go and help him sort it out. On the way, he dropped me at the gym. I had to go into the library, and take back the DVD which we watched last night, called , The Revenant. I was a bit disappointed with it, but J enjoyed it. The librarian asked me if I had seen , Bridge of Spies, as she said it is really good, so decided to give a go, as there isn't much on television over the weekend. When I had finished in the gym, I phoned J, and he was on his way home, so he met me, and we went for a short drive to look for a blip .. The rain had stopped, so we drove to Corntown, and this is a view of Bridgend trading estate, and the Ford engine plant.Not sure what crops the farmer is growing, but they looked very healthy. As soon as we got back home, the heavens opened, and it has rained all afternoon.

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