
By Croft16

Fun on the beach..

..sorry, but there's going to be quite a few pictures of dogs for a while.

Amber settled in quite well last night. There have been a few spats, with Tanni, and the cats, but it's only establishing a pecking order.. She pathered about a bit during the night, up and down the stairs, but with no problems..

Let them both out this morning, with Tanni returning after a few minutes, but Amber took a bit longer.. Then out to do the chores. Amber told the chickens who is boss, and kept exploring while I was watering the poly-tunnels. Then up on to the hill, when I had two dogs, and two cats all within 10 feet. Even Amber and a cat sharing the bench with me!

Breakfast and Archers, and then out for a walk down the beach. Both dogs in the water, and splashing about for an hour or so.. Had a lovely time.

Back home now, and both sleeping, Tanns in her basket, and Amber on the floor at my feet..

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