
By Croft16


..two days of it. And more to do!..

Have the Assynt gardening club coming to look at the croft on Wednesday, so better get it looking tidy again.. All the brassicas under the fleeces need doing. Yesterday and today, I've done the Oca patch (near left corner), the onions, shallots, and schorzonera (area above the Oca), and today have finished the parsnips (I started them a couple of weeks ago), and the carrots (nearest row and in line with the fleeces. I need to do the broad beans and peas, spinach and chard, coriander and potatoes (but only within the rows, have weeded between with the push hoe!). And then clear the unplanted areas on the right and nearest edges, and tidy the corner where the winter brassicas were.. (edit: each row is 30 feet long).

Tanni and Amber are getting on fine now, with just the occasional baring of teeth, and the cats and Amber tolerate each other. Amber does not like the car, and has to be put on a lead way before we get near the car. And carried to it to put her in. We even left her in the house when we delivered veg on Thursday. She's taken to sleeping under our bed and has a blanket on the floor. She did bark at J tonight as she walked past from the croft, something that needs to be corrected. She comes down the croft with me, but gets bored watching me work. She will walk back up to the house by herself, and back down again to see what's going on. Tanni stays with me all the time! Otherwise she's a lovely dog, but a little nervous at times.

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