What Do I See

By MatthewHicks

The Last Day

I took my last dose of medication today which was to help me with the anxiety and depression I was suffering towards the end of last year.

I am so ready to stop taking the tablets, and hopefully not have to go back to them.

In the intervening period since starting medication I have gone through redundancy and got a new job which has involved starting a new company. Things are so much better for me now, and some of that is to do with the medication which acted as a prop to help keep my upright when all I wanted to do was fall.

A lot of my improvement is down to family and friends. Stephanie has been by my side through this episode and her love and support has been so important. Friends like Annie, Kat, Grav, Louise, Indy, Vicky, Rob and many others have been there, which is just what I needed. 

Thank you all. It's too small a collection of words to truly express how much I mean that.

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