Cool Boys!

It has been a super long day.

I had an important meeting at work this morning, but at 11 am I left and drove towards Hillerød, where my sister lives.

We stopped by a lake and the boys had a walk/swim. We had a scare, when two huge and not friendly dogs came running towards us. I shouted at them and luckily the owners managed to get hold of them before anything horrid happened.

I continued towards my sister's house, where I got my stuff in before I went to collect my nephews at school.

We've spent a wonderful afternoon and evening together and now all boys - dogs and nephews - are in bed. I'm exhausted too. I'm not used to being a 'mum' - not to human kids anyway :-)

This is Andreas and Marcus on our evening walk. Cool boys!

Night night Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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