Gold and Gold!

Due to Andy Murray's fantastic win yesterday, we just had to have a quick trip down the A9 after tea to visit the gold post box in his home town of Dunblane. We thought it was a great idea to paint a post box in every gold medal winner's home town.

My first job was in Dunblane, so I have a special place in my heart for the place. Also, my brother lives here too so we visit quite often.

Quick visit to Graham and Morag first to have a cuppa and drop off the pistachio macaroons that my husband made today (delicious).

There was a steady stream of people taking pictures at the post box, but when Breagha sat beside it there was a collective Awwwwww, which then sends her crazy because when she hears that noise, it's a cue that they love her and want to clap and make a fuss, which she just loves. Well, who can resist a beautiful golden cocker??

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