Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Crossing

Not one,  but three huge crossing we saw.  I don't remember this many gnus around last time I was here.  There are masses and masses of them. There were zebras crossing two and even a long row of Thomies walked down to the edge.  John our driver says they think they are gnus but don't make it across.  The current is quite strong.  The good thing about today was that the crossings were early and I don't think the crocs had warmed up yet because all made it across.

Edit:  Thanks so much for taking the time to follow me on this trip.  This afternoon we found more kitties.  I was after a cheetah and we found the beauty I have put up in the second extra.  Apparently we are without internet for the next 3 days so catch you when next connected.

We also saw two male lions so one is in the extra.  Just finished lunch and then off again.  Fingers crossed for a special sighting.

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