
By SilverImages

Hardy Monument

"The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him."
Thomas Hardy

Ok, so it's the other Thomas Hardy, but the Hardy this memorial commemorates was most famous for what was said to him, not what he said.  Yes, this is the memorial to Thomas Masterman Hardy, flag captain of HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar, who Nelson famously asked to kiss him before he died.

Our day began with a detour to the monument, on Black Down, Dorset.  It was so close it would have been a shame to pass by.  We arrived before it had opened, but fortunately we had time to go to the top before heading off for the rest of our day at the seaside - views from the top are great on a clear day, Chesil Beach down to Weymouth.  Glorious start to the day again, woken by the sound of the tractor and the horse clip-clopping up the lane.

Next stop West Bay [near Bridport], where K spent many a childhood summer being thrown off the pier in a rubber tyre inner tube apparently.  No accounting for taste I say.  Typical busy seaside resort of course, quite busy in the sunshine so we joined the kiss-me-quick hat brigade for an ice-cream sitting on the wall.  Dramatic coastline and cliff path with an enormous shingle dune backing the beach.  K showed me where she'd lived in her summer retreat overlooking the harbour.  Very different now of course with plenty of boat activity for the tourists, rib boats for a quick trip around the bay.  Signs of the crumbling cliffs too as the far West of the promenade was closed, with a couple of big lumps of rock adorning the walkway to explain why.

Heading west from here we re-join 21st century roads in Devon and skirt Dartmoor, cutting in to drop in on Castle Drogo for a quick look around.  It's in the middle of some major building work at the moment, but will surely be worth a visit again when that's finished.

Next stop Moortown, just up on the moor from Tavistock, where we join cousin P for the night and a meal at the nearby Whitchurch Inn.  Good food, friendly pub, well worth a visit. P was driving so I was able to sample a pint of Jail Ale - really good.  Maybe something to do with my sleeping in until 10.30 the next morning...

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