Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Today was the annual "put the grey float away on the beach" day. We planned it with the help of our friends on Wednesday when they came but our neighbor's boat was on the ramp we need to drag the float up ( with winch) and they weren't coming back til late Friday afternoon with a high tide at almost 6:00 pm. It is his ramp by his boathouse so......we had to wait ( and balance our actions with each other) But they were late so while we waited on the beach with float floating, in the sunshine, C and S practiced their tai chi ..... On the fairly bouncy plastic float that was moving a bit floating on the fortunately calm Salish Sea. A little extra challenge for their balance, but I love how it looked. I have been doing tai chi for many years as well, hoping to improve my crappy balance. No question it calms the mind but I'm not sure my balance is that much better. (But it's also not worse, so I'll keep at it).
The extra is when it's finally ready to haul up the ramp..we take it apart into 3 pieces but it's still hard work. This crew might not want to come back for this project! We tried to play a complicated board game after a wonderful late-ish dinner with lemon merange pie (!) but we were all too exhausted and they leave in the morning...its all a bit of a sleep won. Good night all!

The weekly blip challenge is balance.

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