Mono Monday : : Double Indemnity

If one of these Canada Geese falls off its rock, at least two will come and replace it. Perhaps that is a form of double indemnity in the goose world. They looked quite solid as they stood side by side, each on one leg, surveying the morning.

Canada Geese are everywhere and seem to have no predators.  A big flock of them is always foraging in the newly plowed field at the bottom of our road in the morning. Suddenly there will be a great whirring of wings and they will all rise into the air, honking and making a great noise as they fly across the main road to another field at Spring Lake. This daily commute happens without fail. There are two white geese in the flock who seem to coexist just fine with the rest of the group. I wonder if they might provoke a bit of jealousy and intrigue as in the Billy Wilder movie?

Forgive me, Dollykgray for not trying harder…it was a long night last night.

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