Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


This is : from Left, Linda, Me & Graham. We're in Aladdin's Cave on Magdelin Street. Linda & Graham both work there, buying/selling/restoring Antiques. Linda used to be a Dressmaker. I recently tottered into the Cave carrying a huge curtain found in Oxfam. Linda offered and did a brilliant job of altering the curtains, giving me 2 pairs of heavy winter curtains. So I've been in frequently to organise that. Graham has taken to calling us 'The 2 Peas ', insisting we are very alike.  So today I got Carol to take a photo to see. I set Fuji up for her, showing her the focal point. She's got it on the exit door, but HEH ! Ho !, can't win em all. So here tis : out of focus on us. ( She was busy so didn't want to bother her more ).
Linda & I chatting discovered we worked in the same towns long ago.
Graham is often seen , at the door, coffee cup in hand & chatting to folk passing.

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