The chaos of packing

The packers have been in today. I'm surrounded by boxes and furniture tipped on its end and ready to be trucked away in the morning.

There are a few bits still in tact. I'm sitting at the table and the couch is still there, I've just been a bit busy to sit on it. However, I did have time to have a sleep this afternoon. Bliss.

The packers were very good. Any chaos is those moments when I can't find something. Fortunately the packers either undid a box and I found what I needed, or it's turned up somewhere in my piles of notes and papers.

Earlier this evening I drove out to my new home from tomorrow. I didn't go inside, just left stuff in the garage. I won't be able to head there tomorrow until my contractor has visited home. I'll give him a key, go through a few things with him, and we'll remove curtains, blinds, rails, and any other fittings I haven't managed to do. I expect it will be another long day. It's a big job this shifting out business. I'm glad I'll be going into a 3 day weekend.

Today I decided I'll make a point of acknowledging a positive each day for the next 38 days.

Day 1: Everyone I dealt with today was great. The packers, my neighbours, my friend who arranged my accommodation, and her neighbour where the property is where I'll be staying. They were all kind, helpful, and generous with their help.

Now I need to shower and then figure out what my sleeping arrangements are tonight. My bed is still in one piece but some of my bedding is packed. Opps ;-)

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