Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

The gloves are off...

...thank goodness!!! I learnt two things yesterday:

1. A headache from being repeatedly punched in the head lasts until you go to sleep.

2. You lot REALLY enjoyed me getting hurt! You sadists you!!

It became my most-favourited shot of all time, so thank you so much for all the hearts and stars - it made it all worth it. I forgot to credit the photographer though: it was Jnr Snr!

I have had these from a very early age. My grandparents brought them back from the USA after living there for a few years in the seventies. I think they thought I needed toughening up as a young 'un (they were right), and this was my grandfather's old-school way of doing it. I never took it up though, just messed around with them really. Wish I had sometimes, might have helped me out at school now and again.

A peaceful shot for the boxing mini-series today, but back to the action tomorrow though I reckon :)

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