An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Every Day getting Better and Better...


David sends me an early morning update from hospital and this morning's update included this photograph.   What a difference in my boy!  My mood soared.

Got to hospital in time for lunch.  Alan wanted macaroni cheese so I took some with me in a food flask.  He only managed a little and some chocolate buttons but I was delighted he was willing to try.  

It's quite difficult for him to eat at the moment as his bottom lip is covered in cold sores and I am sure inside his mouth and throat are sore too.  Hopefully as the week goes on it will become easier for him.  

Not long after lunch the charge nurse spoke to us to say that Alan's HDU bed was needed and as he was the healthiest in there, he was being moved to a general ward.   We were delighted as it was good news but sad to leave behind the amazing nurses in HDU who we'd all become fond off and who had become very fond of Alan.

Got packed up and moved to a side room in the general ward.   Lorraine the nurse in charge came and introduced herself.  She was lovely too.

So the plan is, another blood test tomorrow (Wednesday) and if the inflammation markers have reduced again then Alan will be allowed home.

Everything is crossed.

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