A Man's Best Friend

Having beaten any earlier fondness for nicotine or grape juice, His Lordship has fallen foul at the last hurdle and become addicted to Benylin. Taken in conjunction with regular drinks of honey and lemon, he is trying to fight off his chest infection and troubling cough.

He tells me he is an ill man and is putting his affairs in order just in case. Certainly he has made birthday cards far ahead of time as a precaution. Should I be worried?
Yes I am. He is no spring chicken, more an elderly capon and he needs to be looked after, but this is no easy matter, resisting as he does any attempt at wifely advice.
From this you might deduce that he is not so ill if he can still be thrawn.
Nevertheless, he has managed against all the odds to get an emergency appointment with the doctor this afternoon when we will see if he is likely to make it through the weekend. Fingers crossed.

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