
By Huddsbird

Zebra crossing!

Not necessarily the best photo of the day, but good caption shot! Physivic enjoyed it, however a few scary moments, close encounters with big cats! We need to monitor the bear safety aspect, we get too carried away with the photo opportunity!
A great day out, if cold, to Knowsley safari park. Never done it before, and very exciting.....even filled in my sticker book on the second drive round, such a child! Thanks to JanetH for driving too.
So much to see, amazing deer herd to start with, far too long working out ISO setting on camera taking a wagtail of all things! Baby rhino, zebra, bison ( a little too close and demonstrating a surprising turn of speed!). Couldn't believe the numbers of people taking their cars through the baboon section......good to watch and to spot the cars later in the car park! Some amazing close ups of lions- up a tree, just like a cat, strolling between cars. And again, why would people ignore the signs.......these are wild animals, but the keepers managed people well, in 'lion1'. A great sea lion agility display and aerial bird of prey demo too.

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