
Today was the day of Archie's long awaited - and much needed - haircut.
We took him down to the grooming place and dropped him off. It felt so strange just leaving him there but he seemed happy enough!
When we went back to get him about and hour later I noticed a fluffy black poodle wandering around as I looked for Archie.
I was horrified to realise that it was in fact Archie. Twice his normal size and with a lot more poo than cocka!!!
I honestly didn't recognise him!
His face is almost unrecognisable but it's nice to see his eyes. And he smells AMAZING!!!
Hopefully it'll settle down soon and he'll look a bit less fluffy and poodly.
This morning the Little Misses and I went to see Sing which was brilliant. I had to laugh when we got home and Miss E announced that she'd downloaded the soundtrack onto her iPad. And onto my phone so we could listen to it in the car!
It was all I could do to press play and record at the same time when I was her age!!
Their favourite song is I'm Still Standing and they've been dancing around to it all day. I must show them some Elton John on YouTube!
They were very impressed when I said Elton John is very famous singer and I used to see him when I went to watch Watford and he used to wave at me and eight thousand others

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