Dazed and Confused

A fine day today. We went back to Sunshine. We had a great morning and skied hard despite it being extremely cold. After lunch the light started to go and we decided to head down to the bus. As we stood in the queue LooseCanon gave his ski sticks to me to hold while he faffed around with his helmet.
The sun came out and it was still quite early so the two Peters decided to have one last run down.
LooseCanon beetled off after the other Peter back to the gondola . At a moment in time I looked down and realised I was still holding his ski sticks. At that precise moment as the lift doors clanged shut LooseCanon realised he hadn't got them.
When this sort of thing happens you have to hope that you know the person well enough to predict
A at what point they will realise,* and
B what they will do about it. Anyway G and I headed off after him and eventually spotted him skiing down sans sticks. We got out of the lift and asked the attendant ' Have you seen a confused looking Englishman who's lost his ski sticks? '
He replied with his lovely Canadian accent "There's plenny of 'em"
Right .
G and I hurtled down after him carrying three sets of sticks between the two of us, and found him back at the bus stop , slightly puzzled where we'd come from. At this point he had his goggles on upside down too. What is he like?
Anyway , all's well that ends well and it gave us a good laugh. It also gave quite a lot of other people a good laugh too. They probably still are.
The photo is of the view out of the gondola window slightly earlier in the day when things were a little less fraught.
* I correctly predicted the exact choice of words at the moment of realisation , including the precise expletive used.

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