Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Better Late ...?

Picture-taking didn't feature on today's programme.

The morning was spent clearing and cleaning the tin shed. A mouse had eaten its way into a plastic box of grass seed, and spread it all over the place. And there was the usual accumulation of old wellies, holey gloves, etc to chuck, after TM had revued them and agreed that they were no longer fit for purpose.

After lunch there was another dancing session, the last, which lasted for three hours and didn't really go very well. We blamed it on the clocks going forward. Came home and sat down, and read yesterday's papers.

So, by the time my thoughts turned to blipping, the light was going.  This rhododendron grows just at the top of the front garden, so it was the easiest target. I was told that it is a variety called 'Christmas Cheer', and sometimes it does flower around December.  Not this year.

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