A moon at dusk, and a diagnosis

Saw today the brilliant young doctor who solved the migraine problem. She says I had the flu, and when I was just getting over that, allergies kicked in and overwhelmed my lungs. So now I’ve developed asthma. She gave me a breathing treatment that was very helpful, and I’ll keep using an inhaler and some allergy meds, and in a month or so I’ll be myself again. I need to drop back and do less till my energy comes back, but at least I know I’m not contagious and this won't last forever.

I told the doc I really want to attend a festival tomorrow: poetry, art, music, and storytelling performed by unhoused and formerly-unhoused people in the beautiful little park where I’ve taken Bella to play in the fountain since she was a toddler. The doc said I can go if I have a chair I can rest in when I need it. I contacted the organizers and they say they’ll have a chair waiting for me, so tomorrow I hope to have a blip that isn’t what’s out my window. I'm so glad I'll be able to go photograph many of the talented unhoused people who've become friends, and I'll meet some I've never met before! Sue is going to join me there, and I'm delighted and relieved that I can be with her again without worrying that I'm going to give her something terrible.

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