Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Underneath a bonsai tree ...

... Me honey and me can watch the blue sky

You'd never think it wasn't a big tree. I love bonsai. They have a whole avenue of them at Wisley.

Had a really good breakfast at The Anchor in Pyrford on the way over. There were three blokes sitting at a table outside and one of them was showing enough builder's bum for an episode of Moonlighting (if you are old enough to remember it - it's the TV series where Bruce Willis made his name before cornering the market in dirty vest movies). We had to point it out. I thought for a moment he might have a go back at me but he was actually dead embarrassed.

Wisley was gorgeous in the sunlight of course. Bumpred into a GP colleague. Discussed all the work that has gone on over the weekend regarding the cyber attack; she thanked TSM for all her hard work and good communications which was gratifying. We'll see what happens tomorrow. The Daily Mail of course ran a disparaging headline - I hate that toe rag of a newspaper - and the government started a defensive media line saying it had given the NHS lots of dosh for this. Don't believe a word of it. The NHS doesn't have enough money for anything and that includes IT and cyber defence.

Spent the afternoon pottering in the garden and doing odd bits of domestic stuff, like trying to read illegible electricity meters and dropping prescriptions off at the doctors. Don't want to run out of pills in Canada. Lovely in the garden, quite fantastic. Been a good weekend despite the hackers ...

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