Back to the Beach

I don't think we spent enough time at the beach yesterday so we went back again today!! This time with Mr P, Mrs N, Miss S and Baby S. Another fabulous day!
First of all we had to take Archie to the vet for his check up and worming tablets. I had been quite nervous about it but when I walked in and mumbled "J'ai un rendez-vous pour........." and the receptionist interrupted  - in a fabulous French accent -  "Arrrrrrcheeeeeee" I knew it was all going to be OK!
The lovely sexy French vet had pigeon English and I managed with pigeon French and Archie was weighed, examined and dosed up without any trouble. And his cute passport was stamped!
Once we got to the beach Archie took his place under the table and we ordered Cokes and coffee to start the day while the children ran straight onto the beach and started making sandcastles, collecting shells, digging "sand systems" and falling over into sandy puddles.
The forecast was for cloud, rain and thunder but it was another glorious day. Lots more sunblock required!
Beers, lemonades, more cokes and more pottering on the beach then it was time for Mrs N to take Baby S home for a nap.
The rest of us had lunch - burgers, chips, galettes, chips, chips and more chips!! Such a healthy holiday diet!!
More fun on the beach - lots more sandcastles and trench digging and swimming as soon as the tide was in far enough.
Then all of a sudden the skies blackened, the wind got up and the thunder started. Luckily Archie wasn't too bothered but I was a bit concerned at the sight of the Little Misses body boarding in the waves as the lightening started flashing!!
And then the rain started hammering down and I had to pack up all our stuff one handed whilst holding Archie. We'd packed for another expedition so it was quite tricky!
The others ran up from the water and we wrapped the children in towels and dashed under the awning of Le Charleston to watch the rain and listen to the thunder.
And ponder how we were going to get home without Mrs N coming back to rescue us!
In the end Mr K manfully ran to get the car and once we thought he'd had long enough to make it back to the main road we all made a dash for it.
Mr P went in the front, Miss L went in her seat, Miss S went in Miss E's ever so slightly too big seat, Miss E went in between them without a seat.
And I went in the boot with Archie!!!
He was delighted and the Little Misses thought it was hilarious that Mummy was in the boot!
We were all soaked through and the car got pretty steamy on the short journey home. And then naturally within minutes of getting home the rain had stopped, the skies had cleared and the sun was out again. Annoying!!
We had a lazy couple of hours watching Tinkebell and the Secret of the Wings, falling asleep, reading the Ikea catalogue in French (good practice for me!!), chatting and using up all the internet on Mr K's laptop!!
Dinner was scrummy fajitas made beautifully by Mrs N, then once the children were all in bed (out of sight out of mind rather than asleep as far as the Little Misses were concerned) the grown ups had a nice evening chatting and laughing. 
I thought I was going to be sick laughing at Mr P's antics with stroking his arms in his sleep. Best not go into it here!!!!!
Another lovely day in France. I could live here!!

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