Mono Monday - Blip Names

Back in the late 80's when we lived in Brisbane for a year my eldest son's girlfriend at the time was Claire (on the left). She called me DonnaWanna and I called her Claire Bear. I can't remember how this came about but it was funny at the time :o)

From Brisbane we moved back to Perth and we haven't seen Claire for 30 years but recently my son found her on Facebook and she sent through a lot of photos that she had taken back then of us all. It was so thrilling to see the pics as we didn't have any photos at all from that period. Eldest son G was about 15, youngest son J was 5 and I was mid 30's ah those were the days lol.

When I started Blip my first thought as a funny/silly blip name was DonnaWanna as that has been about the only nick-name I have ever had ;o)

Extra today is a black swan swimming through beautiful reflections at Burswood near the Casino. Little did I know that I had just missed Ninniex who had also been there earlier on ;o)

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