Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



It is very normal in this part of the world to take your shoes off when you enter a home (especially if you're attending a religious meeting). I thought these shoes made a really interesting picture. Mine are not in there though.

First Salvation Army Pentecost Party was fun! We had lunch first and then sang some very catchy songs (see extra). G & I did a couple of songs for them which went well. Pleased that we were home before 6 to get ready for dinner in the evening with our usual gang from our previous church.

We were having a great evening - chatting and then singing (from Mission Praise), but G & I had to break it up as the washing machine guys called saying it's now properly fixed and they have done a lot of testing. I said bring it tomorrow, but they said they had nowhere to store it overnight, so whatever time we got home, they would bring it. Argh.

We got back by 12:15 but they didn't come till 1am. I have honestly never done anything as crazy as that ever. Ramadan hours. Anyway, they installed it and ran a few programs, and it seems to be OK. I paid what they had quoted for a new pump and extra labour, and then - they actually had the nerve to ask for a tip! I reminded them of how much headache they had given me. They understood.

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