Garden view

This is D-Day for me or rather 'Operation Cataract.'
Alarm goes off at 6am and taxi arrives at 7am to go to the Golden Jubilee hospital in Glasgow. Because of the potential of getting caught up in early morning commuter traffic I end up arriving half an hour before the allocated time of 9 am and go for a coffee in the hospital restaurant.
Big mistake.
Fifteen are scheduled for cataracts and they are already checked in by 9am so I am the last in the queue.
It’s like a conveyor belt.
The system works with incredible efficiency yet with out hassle and the staff are very kind.
Moreover a nurse holds my hand throughout the whole procedure on the operating table and this is surprisingly comforting.
Yet again one is reminded of the importance of human touch, something we are in danger of loosing as we race into the digital age and our lives are run by algorithms.
Apologies for back blip and lack of comments.

PS The Golden Jubilee was built by Arabs then subsequently went bust and was purchased by the NHS for routine surgery . It's a state-of-the-art facility with a luxury hotel attached.

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