Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Midge heaven

In many ways there's something quite attractive about this photo. The grass heads are a delicate pinkish shade; the mossy patches are a vivid green. Even the water (it's in a large ditch, but never mind) is a rich dark brown, with interesting little bubbles constantly appearing as something in the depths ferments ...

But the air above the water is alive. Alive with midges. For this ditch is beside a forestry road, high above the village of Sandbank, through a cleared area where the trees have long been harvested. The afternoon is still mild and windless despite the rain shower that has recently passed. The sun isn't shining. Perfect conditions for midges, and the little blighters knew it. By the time I'd stopped long enough to take this photo, I was covered in them.

Good walk, though - and another rediscovered path now that the forest has gone.

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