It was a rocky first 24 hours, but things are starting to improve.  Neither of us had any clue as to how much pain would be involved with this procedure, and you would think as a doctor and nurse we would have known.  Anyway, each day will get better and by this evening, he is much more mobile and comfortable. 

I took a peek out the back of the garage to see what kind of damage was done by all the storms last night and there was this swallowtail.  I ran in to grab the camera and was glad it stuck around long enough for me to get a shot.

If you get a chance, have a look at my extra.  I have taken hundreds of pictures of bees but I have never seen anything quite like this.  At first, I thought there was something wrong with the bee’s eyes, but in other shots they were fine.  I think I am seeing the reflection of those tiny purple flowers in the eyes.  If so, this is a first for me. Bees' eyes don’t usually reflect like that.  What do you think?

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