The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Preparation is Everything . . .

They say that preparation is everything particularly if you are about to embark on a two week long Kiltwalk and not just any Kiltwalk a Kiltwalk across the Great Wall of China no less!!

So step forward Karen, who is no stranger to our Blipfoto Journal.

Her trip preparation had a typical "Scottish approach" to it. This involved her friends arriving early the evening before, with a bottle or two, or three to wish her safe keeping by indulging in many toasts over the course of the night.

I say night, however it didn't actually end which resulted in Karen finishing her packing at five a.m. in the morning, before being dispatched for the 08:00 train.

So like me you're probably thinking "what part of the above is preparing for her trip?" so I asked Karen and quick as a flash she answered "well by staying up drinking all night then it means I should sleep on the plane!!"

I guess there is some logic in there, somewhere.

As you can see from above Karen, legless and on the floor, Craig on the left and Iain on the right have successfully arrived on "the wall" and are proudly displaying their flag at the start of their adventure across the wall.

So good like guys n gals and we look forward to hearing how your trip is going.

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