RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography


I have a pretty well established summer routine - riding to town on one morning, hitting the water on the other, then spending the time until my afternoon swim under a fan. When the youth surfing championship comes to Playa Linda in Ixtapa, however, those normal activities are severely disrupted. The contest started a couple days ago, but with our recent morning rains I didn't think the photos would be worth the half hour drive. This morning the sun peaked out so we were off. We arrived in time for the opening ceremonies and then surfers hit the water. I blasted away at 10 fps with my 1D Mark IV amassing a large number of "okay" photos. Either it was the waves, or the surfers, or the fact that I was a bit under-lensed for the conditions, but none of the surfing shots stood out as something I wanted to share. This one of the safety jet skier contemplating the multiple waves he had to negotiate was another story - nice light, bright colors, good focus, interesting background. I will be back tomorrow for more (sunshine permitting).

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