Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mr Doodle ...... in Bracknell

Trip in to Bracknell this morning to see what all the noise is about. Having not had a shopping centre for around 2 years, the regeneration has been well received. The grand opening pulled in many visitors/shoppers on Thursday; Friday and Saturday were reported as just as busy; today - still busy (great for business). The new town is called The Lexicon, and the opening had seen the letters of these words in large. Over the past few days, Mr Doodle has been doing his bit to brighten up the white letters. - I think he's doing well :)

Lovely mooch around the shops, didn't buy much but had a good look around at the new shops. Stopped off at Bills for lunch (see extra) :)

Telephone call tonight from the care home our mums in - they are worried about her, but can't put their finger on what is wrong. They called 999 yesterday but from the information provided they declined to send an ambulance out. They are going to telephone the GP in the morning to investigate further..... :(

Monday already tomorrow - weekend, gone!


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