Brand New Monarch

A little over two weeks ago when I was photographing the seedpods on the milkweed plants, I noticed two large Monarch caterpillars, the first I had seen all year. I have been reading Debbi's Monarch Chronicles closely all summer so I was armed with a little bit of knowledge.  Fearful that something might happen to them, I moved them to our screened porch with lots of milkweed and several days later they formed chrysalides.  I repurposed my pasta drying rack and with a little dental floss and scotch tape, I hung the chrysalides from the rack.  Yesterday the first chrysalis started to turn dark and this morning a Monarch emerged.  I took this with my iPhone just before I took it outside to release it.  The other chrysalis has turned dark and I suspect I will have another new butterfly in the morning. This has truly been an amazing process to watch. 

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