Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Cheer up!

I've been a little out of sorts today - no particular reason, just one of those days.  Which made the appearance of the Patio Chipmunk fortuitous in several respects - it made me laugh, and it gave me a much-needed blip for the day.  Not the most interesting chippie shot, but I find that they are cute no matter what they are or aren't doing.  In this case, he was peeking out at me from his front door which is, unfortunately, at the edge of our patio.  

Soon, he'll seal himself in for the winter, having stashed many pounds of seeds and nuts in his little underground pantry.  Sometime in February, he'll come out briefly to find himself a little woman-chippie to mate with, before retiring back to his bachelor pad until spring.  

I've been working on some photo organization today - something I hate doing but necessary.  I'm very diligent about tagging everything but don't always do a good job organizing things into subject files.  Anyway, I got two months done, which is a start.

I've started assembling a list of what I plan to cook for Thanksgiving.  The idea is not to go crazy since it's only 4 of us.  Easier said than done, I'm afraid.

Thanks so much for the all the love on my icy seed head yesterday - I wasn't expecting such a warm response!  

Thanks to Cailleach for continuing to host Wild Wednesday.


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