Frozen and grey

Exactly a month ago I blipped this same spot when water levels were really high after a night of rain. The scene today is identical, except that now the lake is frozen and dusted with snow.
I tried walking to the jetty but the ice kept cracking and when the water under the ice was deep enough to give me a wet foot I gave up.
A few minutes later I came even closer to a wet foot. 
See that hole just behind me in the extra? I needed to stand there to get a photograph but unfortunately what I thought was ground was water! As I jumped back to avoid a wet foot the ice on the path broke and I decided to fall rather than struggle to stay upright.
The ice where I landed also broke! Luckily there was no water under that ice so I stayed dry.
Jan nearly fell over because she was laughing so much but she took my camera and this picture! I took her picture just a few meters away, under the falling snow and looking away from the lake.
Today's backblip (20th November) is from the River Frome in Dorset.

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