In the morning it was only wet snow, but it changed to serious snow later and now we have a beautiful white world. It was so white that we did not go for a walk. We were busy!! and not only that, but afraid to fall too.
The funny thing about the silly sheep who were friends was, that these two stood apart from all the many other sheep in the field. Only two other sheep stood together too, but there was more space between them. There was no way to show this strange scene since I have no extra photos left.
I saw all the silly images in the galleries, and stayed for a long time there, amazed as I was by all the funny, and absurd captures.
At the end I had to choose the ones for silly hearts. The first five I will give to BikerBear, cassfoto, Rosemarie55, Muguet, and Tigger101.
But there are more to follow next days.

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