MonoMonday: Four

Fitness Class as usual this afternoon.  Only 7 there this week.    Then I did a bit of shopping and went to the bank.  It was rainy and cold so I didn't linger round the shops and got home as quickly as I could.

Did the washing up and put a load of washing on --- and then went searching for the " props " for my blip.  Managed to find what I was looking for in a box, in a wardrobe, in the garage. 

Then it was time to go to Slimming World.  First weigh in this year.  If you remember I had put on 13 pounds over the Christmas/ New Year festivities (Groan ) and I had to try and get back within my target range before going back to class.  Good news on the scales.  I have lost 10 pounds of that extra weight and just managed to get into my target range.  Its a relief to have lost that 10 pounds in a fortnight.  So glad I got back to healthy eating  on 2nd January and stuck to it. Now I need to get a few more pounds off to get to my exact target weight.  The group was very busy this evening - there are always lots of new members starting in January.

The Mono Monday challenge is 4 years old today.  It was started by  Paladian and the present host is Skeena.  Thanks to both. To mark the occasion these 4 little Lego figures are raising a toast in celebration. Cheers.

I have also tagged my blip for the Tiny Figures challenge which I read about on the blip community page.  My figures aren't exactly having an adventure but they do seem to be having a good time. Thanks to Hanulli for hosting

Steps today - 16,098

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