Dexter Watching the Snow

It's turned into one of those winters where it snows a little bit almost every day. And that's what it was doing when I snapped this photo. Dexter was sitting in his box by the deck doors looking out, as it snowed gently outside.

I feel sorry for people who have never gotten to experience snow. This is a thought I had on Tuesday morning while standing at my bus stop, waiting for my bus to campus.

It was snowing gently then too, and I was walking under my umbrella. I could see the tiny snowflakes clinging to the edge of the umbrella, each one perfect and beautiful, an original work of art. I could hear them falling too, the sound like an angel's whisper, so lovely.

I touched a snowflake with my gloved hand, and it melted instantly: look, but don't touch. It reminded me to celebrate all those beautiful, precious things that do not last long in this world. How lucky a girl I am to live in a place where there is snow.

The song: Olivia Newton-John, Angels in the Snow.

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