
By KirstyHalbert


It felt really Autumnal in Aberdeen today, with the day starting off blue and cold, gradually warming up only for temperatures to plummet again for my walk home. On my way back to the flat I noticed these little leaves, curled at the edges in the first stages of senescence and whipped off the tree by the wind a couple of days before their time. It feels like we've had no summer at all this year, but since Winter is my favourite season, I don't really mind - bring on the days of wooly cardigans, gloves and boots, getting up and turning the fire on, and putting my tights on the radiator so that they're all warm and cosy when I put them on. Autumn means snow soon, which means skiing and snowmen and icy walks along the beach with booming waves rolling in.

Tonight I cleaned the flat from top to bottom for M's return tomorrow; I was meant to be prettifying myself too, but I've started to feel quite ill - I think I caught a cold from baby F this weekend. No wonder he was grumbly on Sunday morning if he felt like this! I ended up going to bed early, feeling very sorry for myself, doped up on paracetamol and halls soothers. Poor M will come home to a sorry sight unless I feel better after a few hours' sleep.

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