Friday: Gazing Into The Sun

I forgot both my camera and my phone at home so had no means of taking a photograph. But at least I have emergency blip material at home now.

This little fella has been with us a week now and is settling in pretty well. He started off as 'Fraser' but somehow it just wasn't really sitting right. It didn't seem to suit him that well but it's opening sound was a bit too much like 'Fred', the name of our beloved boy whom we lost a couple of months ago. So for a few days he was nameless, but then he morphed into Barney which actually does seem to suit him quite well. So here's Barney.

He was very restless earlier this week, desperately wanting to go out. He now does so but under supervision. It's a strange thing taking in a fully grown cat who has developed his characteristics and traits. He's sweet but a little aloof. I think we're all getting used to each other.

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