
Long day at the hospital yesterday.
So much so Mr P crashed out for a couple of hours of very heavy sleep when we arrived home.
Have to admit l did the same, talk about coming out in sympathy!
Funny how sitting around doing nothing can make you more tired than a day rushing around, mental tiredness l suppose.
After dinner we watched a bit of TV then an early night.
Feel back to normal today, might take Mr P a bit longer.
Felt a bit vulnerable yesterday, daughter and family are on holiday in LA after a week in Mexico, my brother is away visiting my other brother in Australia and my son’s family are on holiday on the east coast.
I moved a long past it’s best gerbera this morning, it crumbled onto my kitchen worktop before it got to the compost bin.
l was fascinated to see each individual petal was still attached to a seed.
Camera out and a bit of art work produced my abstract for this Thursday.( thanks Ingeborg)
The seeds will disperse , float away and settle , thankfully my family are coming back.

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