Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


Well: high & low; black on white; white on black; up, down; inside, outside; bitter, sweet; sour, . . . ; stripy, spotty; old, new; rare, common; wood, metal; crunchy, smooth; hot, cold; complicated, simple; easy, hard; soft, firm; liquid, solid, gas; volatile, stable; inert, catalytic; lively, dull; bright, slow; intelligent, ignorant; wise, foolish; smooth, rough; large, small; fast, slow; quick, dead; matte(and mat or matt), gloss; oil, water; dark, light; obtuse, acute; myopic, far-sighted (long-sighted); American-English, British-English; close, open; calm, agitated; tight, loose; left, right;  .... well, you get the idea of what was running through my mind. Then I saw these cars parked outside a local restaurant. Both an almost matching red; both powerful cars and both, as I found out, driven by young ladies. So, where's the contrast? One is a Ford.

Singular or plural. I see the word Kathy actually set is Contrasts.

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