a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Hanging on a limb

TinyTuesday: The courtship of the large red damselfly

"Though the river flows
Gently to the sea
He was on the shore
Rooted like a tree
She was here and there
Riding on the waves
Through it all she heard his call
And gave it all she gave

And though their love
Was hanging on a limb
She taught him how to dance
And start again
And though their love
Was hanging on a limb
She taught him how to dance"

Neil Young ~ Hanging on a limb

I've been taking advantage of the firm's "Agile Working" policy (you are allowed to work from home) to get some complicated stuff drafted today away from the telephone and interruptions.  Its a glorious day out there, although I have been largely stuck inside glued to a computer, so not very agile in reality.  

However, at lunchtime I took the chance to photograph the damselflies on the pond.  There were 3 couples (all large reds) at one stage, busy procreating, so hopefully we should get some more damselflies for next year too :-)

Earlier in the morning I surprised the Heron as it was stalking towards the pond.  Sadly, I fear that the newts days are numbered....

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