Sailing into the harbour

Shipping Forecast -Sailing by

A (musical) finale of our Scottish holiday, sailing by the pier of IJmuiden on our way back home this morning (for MonoMonday with the theme 'finale' with thanks to MerrilHope for hosting in the month of May and setting these musical themes :-) )

After we've driven some 3500 km/ 2175 miles these past 4 weeks and after a very smooth sailing we're back on mainland Europe and it was a wonderful holiday with the best weather possible, but it's also good to be back home again :-) One load of laundry is in the washing machine already ... Weather here's also warm, and the garden looks ok.

Thanks so much for all your comments, stars and even faves these past four weeks, I will try to catch up now ! But first I need to do the results of last week's Abstract Thursday !

Thanks so much for all the AT entries last Thursday and for texture galore. Lots of them 'natural', do have a look at the whole tactile collection (tree barks were great examples !) I hope I'm not challenging you all even more with this week's theme: take/make an abstract 'Straight out of camera/SOOC', so no faffing or apps ! Have another look at these last weeks' collection for inspiration, real life abstracts are everywhere, patterns, shadows, textures ...... The tag will be AT153 ! And if you're addicted to apps and faffing, no worries, as next week it's the first Thursday of the month again and you can then do all the faffing you want ;-)

I've given every entry from last Thursday a star and would love to be able to give loads of hearts because there were so many great entries, but alas, I'll have to stick to 5 special hearts, here they are:

MrsLinda     for seeing the pattern and texture in a hungry green caterpillar
Nanzy19      for a great sandy pattern
Doyley22     for seeing and capturing the textures on an abalone shell
hinden         for the swirls and texture of a feather
Anaisabel    for the textures of a dessicated cactus skeleton

Thanks again for all your entries, keep those abstracts coming :-)

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