Artsy Fartsy

By GeorgiaM99

I got a 30 gallon fish tank on gumtree, along with a whole load of fish keeping related things a week and a half ago.

It's still cycling, but once it's ready I plan on putting my Betta fish into it, featured in this photo haha. And I'm hopefully gonna get a big school of cherry barbs. Or some neon tetras. And a pleco of some type. There's currently some bladder and trumpet snails that must have been in the holes in the rocks i was given by the person I bought the tank from because I thoroughly checked the live plants I got from my pet shop and they're all pretty big snails so I wouldn't have missed them on the plants

I don't mind them though, I like snails. I actually have a nerite snail with my betta at the moment (and plan on getting more when the tank is ready haha)

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